Supply chain
6. júla 2022

Interview with Karl Josef Haussteiner

Mr Haussteiner is working with Vishay with office in Voecklabruck/Austria. Vishay manufactures is one of the world’s…

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Freight forwarding
22. júna 2022

Interview with Johannes Mikula

Johannes Mikulas has more than 20 years experience in the logistics industry with a strong focus on North America.Spent several years as President and Regional…

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Supply chain
13. júna 2022

Interview with Manfred Seyer

After completing a commercial high school education in Austria, Manfred Seyer entered the logistics industry in Vienna.He has many years of freight forwarding experience in…

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9. júna 2022

Interview with Walter Holzhammer

After finishing at the University of Commerce and Business Administration Walter Holzhammer’s Goal to work in the global Logistics Industry was very clear. His first…

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25. mája 2022

Interview with Juraj Droba

Pán Juraj Droba je predseda Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja a zároveň podpredseda Európskeho výboru regiónov, vicekoordinátor v Komisii pre politiku územnej súdržnosti a rozpočet EÚ (COTER),…

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14. decembra 2021

Interview with Tomáš Pimpara

Tomáš Pimpara je vedúcim logistiky v Rossmann Czech Republic, druhom najväčšom nemeckom drogériovom reťazci. Má plnú zodpovednosť za skladovanie a tok…

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Shipping lines
7. decembra 2021

Interview with Zora Fialková Kosorinská

Ms. Zora Fialková Kosorinská is LPP‘s E-commerce Fulfillment Center manager with 11 years of experience in Logistics, specializing in International transport (export-import), Warehousing,…

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